3 Sons Outraged after Rich Dad Left All Inheritance to Maid, Get Invites from Her the Next Day – Story of the Day
People at a funeral. | Source: Getty Images
A dying rich man left all his money and estate to a maid, and his sons were angry until the woman invited them to come over the day after the funeral to tell them the astonishing request their father had.
“Melinda, this is the last task I ask of you. Is it too much?” Mr. Faulkner said on his deathbed. Melinda, his maid, was the only person by his side, as his sons lived far away. They didn’t know their father was sick, but then again, they had not visited in so many years, leaving the older man to run his agricultural empire on his own while they pursued vapid dreams and spent his money.
“No, Mr. Faulkner. I can do it,” she replied, holding his hand gently because it was so frail. The old man died a few hours later.

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That evening, his sons, Robert, Penn, and Leonard, finally packed their bags to return to Missouri for the funeral. But they were not expecting what happened after the burial during the will reading.
“It is my last wish and testament that my entire estate, including my money and my precious fields behind the farm, be left to Melinda, who was by my side during the last years of my life. I hope my sons can respect my decision and move on,” Mr. Faulkner’s lawyer read, and there was a roar of commotion in his office.
Robert and Penn threw fits, yelling and accusing Melinda of tricking their father. Leonard was more reserved but still couldn’t believe their father would renounce them and give all his money to his maid. It didn’t make sense to him.
According to the lawyer, there was nothing they could do to oppose the will, and he asked them to please leave the office and forget about it.
Robert, Penn, and Leonard went to the local bar that night and drowned their sorrows, lamenting not seeing their father and ranting about gold diggers.

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The following day, Leonard was woken up by a strange phone call, as the number marked on the screen was from their father’s farm, their childhood home.
“Hello?” he answered sleepily.
“Leonard?” a female voice said. “It’s Melinda.”
He stood up in bed immediately. “Why are you calling me?” he asked sternly.
“Please, listen. I want you and your brothers to come to the farmhouse today. Can you do that?” she requested timidly.
“Why would we do that? So you can rub our faces with what my father did? I don’t think so,” Leonard scoffed, rubbing his eyes.
“No. Your father had another request for you. Please. I promise. You three need to come,” Melinda pleaded again and hung up the phone.
Leonard told his brothers, and they were too curious to ignore the maid, so they drove to the house that was no longer theirs.
“Excuse me?” Robert asked, offended.