
Matt Damon spoke candidly about how Jennifer Lopez treats his best friend Ben Affleck.

Literally every public appearance of Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez is subject to merciless criticism on the Internet. Just the other day, commentators made fun of their ridiculous kiss and Jen’s unusual outfit . Sometimes you even get the impression that this luxurious couple has many more haters than sincere fans. And surprisingly, Matt Damon, Ben’s closest friend, also found himself in the warm company of skeptics.

“Matt had serious doubts about Bennifer 2.0 from the very beginning,” he told OK! Magazine insider close to the Hollywood star. “He tried to publicly support Ben, but in reality he hates the way J.Lo treats his friend and can’t stay silent anymore.”

According to the source, what irritates Matt the most is Jennifer’s tendency to control her husband. “It’s no secret that Ben and JLo are constantly fighting. She gets irritated with him at the slightest provocation and demonstrates her disapproval in every possible way. Obviously_something_needs_to_change. But when_Matt_started_giving advice to Ben, he just exploded. It feels_like_history_is_repeating itself, because 20 years ago they_stopped _talking_for_exactly the same reason,” the insider said.

Because of all these passions, the relationship between friends has already begun to crack. “But Matt can’t stay silent, even if it means moving away from Ben. He’s sick of Affleck posing on red carpets day after day as J.Lo’s accessory. “He can’t see her depriving his friend of his masculinity,” the insider concluded.

Looks like things really smell fried. We hope, of course, that the opinion of the best friend will not lead to discord between the spouses. But I wouldn’t want to see any enmity between Matt and Ben either: after all, the actors have been friends since childhood. So we propose to solve all problems amicably – as usual, in the McDonald’s parking lot .

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