Boy Collected Toys for Orphans for Whole Year after Learning Santa Didn’t Visit Shelter – Retro Story
A young boy celebrating Christmas. | Source: Shutterstock
A boy was surprised to hear that Santa didn’t give gifts to orphans living in a group shelter. He decided to take matters into his own hands by collecting toys throughout the year so that he could be “Santa” for them.
Tyler grew up in a simple working family. They were not rich, but his parents worked hard in order for him to live comfortably. He never felt like anything was missing because his parents instilled in him that more than material things and monetary wealth, spending time with family and building happy memories were what mattered most.
Christmas is Tyler’s favorite time of the year. He and his family would spend Christmas Eve watching movies together while sipping cups of hot chocolate. After falling asleep in the living room, they’d wake up and see Santa’s present under the Christmas tree, ready for Tyler to open.

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Then, Tyler and his parents would prepare Christmas lunch as a family, singing Christmas songs and dancing in the kitchen while they cooked. “This is all I need in life!” Tyler would tell his parents as they smiled at one another as they did their respective kitchen duties.
Tyler realized early on that he didn’t need to have a lot of money to be truly “rich” in life. All he needed was a good bond with his family and good friends at school to make many memories with.
One year, Christmas fell on a Saturday, which meant he and his parents had one more day to enjoy the weekend. Tyler asked their permission to go to the playground so that he could hang out with other kids his age.

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That particular day, a group of children from the group shelter nearby were playing on the swings. “Hello!” Tyler greeted them. “Merry Christmas! Look at my new toy sword from Santa,” he said, swinging it around for the kids to see.
A boy looked at him and smiled softly. “Good for you,” he told Tyler.
“What about you? What did you get from Santa?” he asked the boy.
“We don’t get any gifts during Christmas. Santa does not visit the shelter we live in,” the boy sadly revealed.
This revelation shocked Tyler, as he didn’t think Santa missed out on giving gifts to any children. “But you’ve been good, right? Santa should visit you!” he insisted.

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The boy shrugged. “We need to be good all year, or else we lessen our chances of having a family. I guess Santa only visits kids with families,” he said, almost choking on his tears as he said this.
Tyler didn’t know what to tell the boy after he heard this. Instead, he...