Cousins Arrested after Refusing to Stop Having Sex During Funeral Ceremony
|An Alabama couple has been arrested after refusing to stop having sexual intercourse during their grandmother’s funeral ceremony.
Tiffany Bates, 31, and Clifton Bridges, 19, who are in fact close relatives, were apprehended by Talladega County Police after employees of the Talladega Funeral Home complained that the couple was having “loud sex,” “perturbing funeral services” as well as “scaring the guests.”
Tiffany Bates and Clifton Bridges, who were both attending the funeral ceremony of their grandmother with other family members, decided to skip away from the funeral ceremony and indulge in sexual activities only meters away.
“We alerted Talladega police after several unsuccessful attempts to stop them from having sex on the property of the funeral home” explained Talladega Funeral Home employee, Jane Andrews.
“The woman just kept screaming and the boy just kept pounding her like he was in a porn movie. They both looked high as fuck,” said another employee.

Apparently, Tiffany Bridges and Clifton Bridges are first cousins and had been living together as a couple for the past 6 months according to family members.
“There is no law against first cousins having consensual sexual relationships in Alabama, so no charges will be pressed on that account” Talladega County Deputy Sheriff, Adam Watts, said yesterday.
The couple faces 26 charges for lewd and lascivious behavior, disturbing the peace, obscenity in a public place and drug possession.