Donny Osmond Kisses Susan Boyle After Duet in Glasgow – And Fans Can’t Get Enough
|Donny Osmond and Susan Boyle are incredible performers with millions of fans worldwide. They are both icons in their own right, but watching them share a stage together does feel like a dream.
Luckily for us, we got to witness that dream become a reality once again when Donny invited Susan to join him in Glasgow and sing a duet with him. This wasn’t the first time that these two created magic when their voices blended on stage.
Donny has been Susan’s idol since she was a young girl. When she reached for the stars and became a well known name in the world of music, Susan got to perform with her idol in 2013 in Vegas.
“It was my first time in Vegas and it was great fun, especially since I got to perform with Donny Osmond. If someone told me years ago I’d be performing on stage with him, I’d have laughed at them. He’s been my idol since I was 13, so I feel like I’ve grown up with him in a way. It’s all been a bit mind-blowing,” Susan told the Daily Mail.

Susan’s fans refer to themselves as to the Red Scarf Brigade in honor of her trademark red scarf.
“Some people think they’re a bit mad, but they’re not. They’re very kind to me and they made me a blanket with Donny’s face on which I still have on my bed because it keeps me warm. This time they made a blanket with my face on it and gave it to him,” the singer said.
“I think people relate to me in some way,” she added. “Maybe they think, ‘If she can do it in her late stage in life, maybe I can too.’”
Well, Susan may have an army of fans, but when it comes to Donny Osmond, he and his siblings even caused a movement dubbed Osmondmania.
This term was written all over newspapers following an incident during which 18 girls were slightly injured and four were treated for their injuries at the hospital.

Namely, the day The Osmonds arrived at Heathrow on 21 October 1973 ended up being a serious incident that could’ve had some pretty dire consequences.
When their plane landed, more than 10,000 fans packed the roof garden at the Queen’s Building at Heathrow Airport, but as too many people were let onto the viewing site, a part of the balcony railing and wall collapsed. It was a miracles that the number of injured people was that low.
“The worst problem was hysteria,” a helper at the Queen’s Building medical center, where first aid was provided, said at the time. “It was difficult at first to distinguish between girls who had been hurt and girls who were screaming and weeping from fright or from disappointment at missing a sight of the group.”