“Growing Pains” star Kirk Cameron is a devoted husband to his beloved wife. During 31 years of their marriage, they raised 6 kids together, and the actor loves his wife dearly.
|Kirk Cameron went from being a loved Hollywood star to a “Hollywood freak.”
Cameron and his wife, Chelsea Noble, have raised their six kids in a Christ-centered home.
Cameron and Noble have been married for 31 years. The actor loves his wife dearly and won’t kiss anyone other than her.
Kirk Cameron was a loved Hollywood star when he starred in the 1980s hit “Growing Pains.” He was a spunky and handsome teenager who many schoolgirls crushed on.
The actor’s pop culture icon status diminished when he became an outspoken Christian. Cameron didn’t take a similar path as many teenage stars in his days did.
Many Hollywood celebrities believe Cameron is too religious, as Hollywood scolds and mocks him for being a vocal evangelical Christian.
The actor’s recent acting and directing projects hold profound Christian messages, which has made him unpopular in the eyes of his former fans. Cameron noted:
“I’m kind of a Hollywood freak. I didn’t really turn out the way most people turn out growing up in this industry.”
Still, Cameron’s statements and stands on sexuality have made him a darling among conservative Christians who love what he does in his personal and professional life.
Surprisingly, before Cameron welcomed Jesus into his life, he was an atheist raised in a family that never attended church. One day, he went to church with a friend’s father, and as he has said many times, he realized he would end up in hell.
The 52-year-old said he couldn’t kiss the actress because he had vowed “not to kiss any other woman” who wasn’t his wife.
This awakening led to Cameron taking the Christian faith seriously, becoming born again, marrying one of his “Growing Pains” costars, and creating a family with her.
Cameron married his “Growing Pains” costar Chelsea Noble after he got saved. The couple adopted four children and lived in Los Angeles, not far from the Hollywood sign.
After adopting four kids, the pair had two kids together. Cameron and Noble’s adopted kids are Jack Cameron, Isabella Cameron, Ahna Cameron, and Luke Cameron. The couple’s biological children are Olivia Cameron and James Cameron.
Noble said she was always passionate about adopting because she and her brother were adopted. She added that they chose to adopt before having their biological kids so that the adopted kids would know they were their first choice.
The pair formed a family quickly as they welcomed their kids, each having only a year apart from the next. Noble said she doesn’t feel any different about her adopted and biological kids because she has a special bond with all of them that comes from God:
“It’s been an incredible journey, we always said when they were, you sort of forget who is adopted and who is not adopted, it’s like, it’s your family.”
Cameron is a father to six kids in his multi-racial family and wants to protect his children. The actor said this when speaking about technology’s effects on children.
The actor said his family is pro-technology. However, he advised families to set boundaries to protect their loved ones because of the many hours children and parents spend on technology devices.
Cameron has become an advocate for family and marriage and wanted to assist parents with ways to connect with their kids in a technology-driven world.
The actor’s daughter, Isabella, once shared an emotional post on her Instagram, thanking her parents for raising her and her siblings in a Christ-centered home.
Isabella added that she adored her “beautiful siblings” and loved Cameron and Noble for opening...