
Husband Hangs out in Strip Club with Colleagues When His Wife Appears on Stage – Story of the Day

Richard’s eager wait for the strip show ends as an announcement about the night’s first performance makes his wife show up on stage.

“Daisy, he’s here!” A female dancer ran up to Daisy just as she finished getting ready for her performance.

Daisy joined the woman to peek through the gap between the red stage curtains and the wall. “I think I’m really doing this,” she sighed, turning away from the stage.

“You don’t have to. There are other ways,” the woman placed her hand on Daisy’s arms, but Daisy shook her head. “There’s nothing that will top this.”

Daisy took a deep breath and moved forward to take her place behind the curtains. Striking a sexy pose, she waited for her cue. “…Gentlemen, put your hands together to welcome the beautiful goddess Hera on stage for her debut performance!” A voice boomed from the stage…

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

“Before we get to the fun part, I want y’all to know I’m filling in for my husband’s mistress, who’s recovering from an abortion,” Daisy appeared on the stage, running her hands gently over her mask and pointing at her husband Richard’s table.

Daisy would’ve never seen this day if it hadn’t been for the situation two days ago.

She was suddenly awake at 2 a.m. and realized her husband, Richard, was not in bed. Curious, she scooted out of bed. Then her gaze followed the tiny ray of light peeking from the bathroom door’s crack, and she noticed Richard talking to someone on the phone while he got ready.

“Are you going somewhere?” she asked, shielding her eyes from the light, and Richard’s phone slipped out from between his shoulder and cheek. He fumbled to catch it, said a quick goodbye, and ended the call.

“I need to go to work quickly to sort something out,” he said, looking away from her and buttoning up his shirt.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

“In the middle of the night? What’s so urgent that it can’t wait till morning?” she asked, yawning.

“We’ve recently started working with a company from Taiwan,” he said. “And due to the time difference, it’s business hours there.”

“And they expect you to work their hours?” Daisy leaned against the door, crossing her arms.

“Sometimes,” Richard smiled. “It’s complicated, babe, but if I impress them now, there’s a good chance I’ll be chosen to head their operations. But don’t worry your pretty head about it,” he said, giving her a hurried kiss. “Don’t wait up. I dunno how long it’ll take.”

And then Richard was gone. Daisy went back to sleep, hoping these midnight excursions didn’t become a regular feature in their lives.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

A couple of hours later, Daisy was making frantic calls to anyone who could help her figure out who had withdrawn $8000 from her bank account.

“It’s obvious I didn’t do it! Why would I ask for help if I made the withdrawal?” she almost exploded at the bank representative.

“I’m afraid we can’t help you, ma’am. You need to check with your family members who have access to this account,” replied the representative.

Daisy hung up and tossed away her phone. Only Richard had access to their account, and if he had taken the money, he would surely tell her, wouldn’t he? But Daisy needed to be sure. She needed the money in her account before the mortgage payment was due, and she only had one day.

“Money?” Richard asked as he answered her call. “Uh, honey, I did withdraw it, but I had a good reason. Hey, I have to go now. Important meeting. I’ll tell you everything when I get home.”

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

“Wait, Richard!” She cut him off. “This is equally important. I don’t have enough money to cover the expenses that will be billed to my account in the next few days.”

“Don’t worry, babe. We’ll figure it out. Love you,” he said and hung up.

Daisy couldn’t believe Richard was so cavalier about the money. He did make good money, but they didn’t have enough in their accounts to cover the payments. She needed to sort this out as soon as possible.

So when he returned home that evening, she immediately brought up the missing money.

“Babe, I know it’s important. But I’m exhausted,” he said, tossing away his shirt on the floor. “Our company’s strategic vision is evolving into a macro-financial investment fund. Currency deformations are swiftly reaching cyclical reflection, according to analysts, and we need to pivot to be ready.”

“What the heck does that have to do with our money, Richard?!” Daisy asked angrily. But Richard deflected her questions. “Don’t worry, baby. All you need to know is that everything will work out for us in the long term.”

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

Daisy sensed something was off. “Well,” she told him. “Don’t worry, babe. You go to sleep, and I’ll take care of everything!”

When Richard was asleep, Daisy crawled out of bed and went to the living room. She turned on his laptop and logged on to his banking profile. Daisy found multiple charges with ‘household’ references that didn’t correspond to any home expense she was aware of. And together, these totaled over $4000.

Daisy realized Richard was up to something that was causing their family a lot of money. “I need to find the receipts for these transactions!” she thought, closing the laptop. “They must be lying around somewhere.”

Daisy checked the bedrooms to ensure her husband and two sons were asleep, then she searched every drawer where Richard tossed the receipts. She also searched the trash cans but found nothing.

Suddenly, Daisy’s gaze landed on Richard’s car. She scoffed in disgust as she noticed the takeout containers in the backseat of his car. She started going through the mess and found a receipt from the casino. Her heart throbbed against her chest as she read it. But it was for $2000 Richard had won last year.

Daisy searched more frantically now, and her hands landed on a $1000 bill from a woman’s center. Her eyes welled up as she read the words ‘pregnancy termination’ and a woman’s name, Grace.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

“Who the hell are you, Grace? What’s going on?” she asked herself, suspecting her marriage was going to fall apart. But she couldn’t point her finger at Richard unless she had enough proof. Daisy had to meet Grace.

Daisy found Grace’s number on Richard’s phone and chose the message option.

“Meet me tomorrow. Need to talk,” she typed and sent.

Seconds later, a reply arrived. “I’ll be at The Pelican from eight. See you there xox.”

Daisy sobbed in silence, realizing her husband was having an affair. But the worst was yet to come. She searched for ‘The Pelican’ online and stared at the results in disbelief.

“It’s okay,” she told herself, parking outside the ‘gentlemen’s club’ entrance the following day. “I just need to go inside and find Grace.”

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

But the man at the door stepped up and blocked her entry. “Sorry, ma’am, but this is a gentleman’s club. No women allowed.”

“I need to meet Grace,” she told him. “I did read the sign. Please, it’s urgent.”

“You’ll need to go round to the staff entrance then,” he said, jerking his thumb toward the alley beside the club. Daisy nodded and walked up to the staff quarter.

A heavyset woman left the door open as she went to fetch Grace. Daisy couldn’t help but notice the women in elaborate outfits moving about the dressing room.

“Yes? I’m Grace,” a gorgeous woman offered her hand to Daisy. “How can I help you?”

“How about you stop sleeping with my husband?” Daisy snapped.

”You’re crazy,” Grace backed away and turned to leave, but Daisy grabbed her wrist.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

“Don’t you dare call me crazy!” she sneered, raising her other hand to show her wedding ring.

“Let go of me, weirdo!” Grace yanked her arm out of Daisy’s grasp and gestured to the bouncer, who closed in on Daisy.

“15 years of marriage and two children! That’s what Richard and I have together! I found your abortion receipt in his car!” Daisy shouted, dodging the bouncer as he lunged to grab her. “Did he give you the $7000 he took from my account?”

Grace was heading back into the club but stopped in her tracks.

“You’re out of here, lady!” The bouncer grabbed Daisy and was about to throw her out, but Grace stopped her. “Wait, he has a wife? That jerk! He lied to me! Come inside, and I’ll tell you everything.”

Grace led Daisy inside, and then she began crying.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

“He forced me to terminate,” Grace sobbed, her thin shoulders shaking. “He never wore a ring…told me he was single. I was so happy about the pregnancy, but…he said he couldn’t afford it and tucked a wad of cash in my shirt, and told me to buy something pretty. He…he told me I shouldn’t tell anyone, and yeah, you were right about that money. He gave it to me as hush money.”

Daisy’s jaw dropped. She couldn’t believe Richard had stooped so low.

“Well, he deserves a taste of his own medicine,” Daisy said, passing Grace a tissue. “Are you with me?”

Grace blew her nose and nodded. She told Daisy Richard’s usual group had booked a table for that night, and they’d be there at nine.

Daisy devised a clever plan, and Grace and the other dancers agreed to help her.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

As Daisy approached the pole near the stage’s end, she noticed Richard and his friends at the front table. His boss was also there. They were all staring at her with hungry grins until she removed her mask and threw it at him.

“What the—” Richard rushed to the stage, the spotlight following him, but a bouncer grabbed him. “He also stole money from our account, which was supposed to be used for household bills, so you gentlemen might see me here often!” Daisy continued.

Richard lunged at Daisy, breaking free from the bouncer, and ended up with nothing but a fistful of material torn from her costume. He was kicked out of the club and onto the sidewalk, and Daisy quickly exited the stage.

“What the hell are you doing?” he yelled as he met her outside.

“Exposing you, Richard!” she shot back. “You’re disgusting!”

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

“And who do you think cares?” he laughed. “Men come here to escape their boring wives like you, Daisy!”

“I think your wife has made her point clear!” Richard spun around and noticed his boss, Damian. Richard began telling him he would send Daisy home and then talk to him, but the boss shook his head.

“I’ve suspected for a while now, Richard, that you won’t hesitate to harm others to get what you want. I can’t employ someone so ruthless and untrustworthy. You’re fired.”

Richard scoffed in disbelief. “Really? You’re going to fire me because these women threw a tantrum?”

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

“The only one throwing a tantrum is you, Richard!” Grace approached them and stood by Daisy’s side. “Congratulations! You’re banned from ‘The Pelican’ for life!”

Daisy and Grace walked away arm-in-arm.

“Clear your things tomorrow first thing, and I don’t want to see you ever again!” Damian announced. Richard pleaded with Damian, but the boss turned a deaf ear to him and went inside the club.

Richard stood on the sidewalk, all alone.

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