I Accidentally Dropped The Piggy Bank My Granny Gifted Me 32 Years Ago and Diamonds Spilled from It – My Story
An Old Piggy Bank. | Source: Flickr/vsenikizaniati (CC BY-SA 2.0)
Gran Lola was the loveliest person in my life after my late mother, and I was devastated when she died. One day, I accidentally dropped the piggy bank she had left me, and from inside spilled diamonds… a LOT of them.
Grandmothers should love their grandchildren. Grandmother should know how to knit sweaters and bake cookies. Grandmothers should have gentle, tender hearts.
Gran Lola was neither of those things. She was a frail, bent woman who poked naughty kids in the tummies with her cane and laughed the most terrifying laugh when she watched her vintage TV.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels
“Gran!” Her laugh used to scare me at times. “You… You scare me, Gran!” I’d say.
“Oh, Morris, my boy!” she’d chuckle. “Life’s too short for all that. Come, join me. Let’s watch this show together!”
I’d sit beside her, hugging my stuffed toy, terrified that she’d turn into a monster and devour me. I was only four when my mom passed away, and after that, Dad brought Clara home, who became my stepmother.
Clara was not nice. She loved me only when Dad was home, and then she’d forget I even existed. Since Clara and Dad were both working, I and my step-sister, Andile, were sent to Gran Lola’s house while they were away.
Gran Lola cooked the worst, most bland meals but fed us with love. Although she pretended to be this rough, tough, sassy granny, she had a lovely heart that knew how to love everyone around her. What a fool I was not to realize that!
“You see all that chicken I made for you two?” she boasted one day after ruining the chicken curry. “If you eat that, you’ll grow as tall as a giraffe!” Then she laughed that terrifying laugh again.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels
I was scared of Gran Lola until I was ten years old. Six years… that’s how long it took me to adjust to her cooking, laughs, and bad jokes. But by then, I couldn’t imagine my life without her.
She shielded me from all the bad like a mother shields her child. She saw the wrong things that were happening to me, and she stood up for me.
Andile and Clara hated me. They loved my dad and wanted me out of their lives. So when Dad wasn’t around, they’d say hurtful things to me and trouble me, and one night, Clara didn’t give me dinner. Dad was on a business trip then, and she was looking after us.
When I went to Gran Lola’s house the next morning, I hugged her and cried. And with my tears flowing freely, all my fear for her washed away too.
“Oh my, honey!” she asked me worriedly. “Why are you crying, Morris?”

For illustration...