Man Hears Lullaby His Future Daughter-In-Law Sings to Her Kid, Realizes She’s Actually His Niece – Daily Drama
Woman Holding Her Baby Close. | Source: Getty Images
A man falls in love with a heavily pregnant woman he meets at a cafe, and it’s only after having dinner at his parents’ house that he realizes the love of his life is his first cousin.
It was a bright, sunny afternoon when Peter walked into the cafe down the street from his office to finish his marketing report. He ordered a latte, and when he took the first sip, glancing around, his eyes fell on the heavily pregnant cashier behind the counter.
“Natalie,” her name badge read, and she was as sweet as the first snowfall of the season, Peter thought. He forgot he hadn’t ordered a cold coffee and that he was there for work for a brief moment. He took a second sip of the burning caffeine, his gaze fixed on her, and screamed an “OUCH!”
She looked at him for a moment, their eyes met, and he forced a silly smile on his face. She smiled back and shook her head.
“Would you like some water?” she asked kindly, pointing to a glass of ice, and he said, “No, I’m great. Thanks!”
They exchanged numbers before Peter left the cafe that day, and deep down, they were aware of the instant attraction between them. Little did they know they were making a terrible mistake, a blunder, and that they shouldn’t have started it all in the first place…

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels
Natalie met Peter when she was seven months pregnant, and her tragic story drew him closer to her. Her boyfriend had abandoned her because he didn’t want to raise a child, and she was too embarrassed to tell her parents about her pregnancy, so she relocated to another state.
Natalie never expected to find love again after starting a new life as a cafe cashier in a city. To put it mildly, she had lost faith in love. But Peter made her feel otherwise and he was everything she could have wished for. He loved not only her but also her unborn child and promised to look after both of them.
The only problem was that Peter was concerned that his parents would object to him dating a girl who was pregnant with another man’s child.
“I have a feeling they won’t approve of our relationship,” he told her one day. “But I can’t leave you, Nat. I… I love you and the baby.”
“I’m ashamed to tell them about it as well, Peter,” Natalie said. “I can’t say they’re wrong. My parents would be disappointed too.”

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels
“But this is our life, Nat,” he said. “We’re adults, and they can’t tell us what to do. Accepting us or not is their choice, but my choice is that I want to live my life with you and the baby that’s growing inside you. I love you both.”
“I don’t know, Peter…” Natalie said. “I have a feeling that something’s not right. You know, this pregnancy, we being together like this… Something’s...