
Mom Had to Place 2 of Triplet Girls for Adoption – Years Later Sisters Meet Their Carbon Copy in Mall

Kathleen, Rikki, Kendall, and Julianne | Kathleen’s triplet’s ultrasound | Source: Instagram.com/rikkijump

  • Kathleen was worried when she learned that she was expecting triplets in 1991.
  • She gave birth to three girls, Rikki, Kendall, and Julianne.
  • One of the three girls was separated from the other two, and the trio met again when they were around ten years old.

Kathleen got pregnant in 1991 at 35. She was seven months along when she discovered that she was carrying triplets. At the time, Kathleen, who is deaf, was working for the United States Postal Service.

Kathleen was also married to her husband Lee, who worked as a long-haul truck driver and had two grown children from his previous marriage. The 58-year-old had also undergone a vasectomy before meeting Kathleen.

Due to the medical procedure Lee had undergone, the couple agreed to use a sperm donor. Kathleen confessed that she persuaded her husband to let them have a child, and he reluctantly agreed.

The two used Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) to have their baby. IUI is a medical procedure that involves the use of fertility medication, and with the process, there is always a possibility of multiples. It is due to this possibility that it wasn’t a surprise that Kathleen was expecting triplets.

Why Did Kathleen Decide to Give Her Two Girls up for Adoption?

Kathleen said she and her husband were worried when they learned that they were expecting triplets. Her daughter Rikki said that Kathleen and Lee weren’t financially prepared to raise triplets.

Rikki also said that Julianne and Kendall didn’t experience a biological pull toward Kathleen. Tina was glad this didn’t happen because she was afraid her daughters would scream, Mom, and run towards their biological mom.

Lee was also getting older and wouldn’t have the energy to raise three kids. So, Kathleen and Lee made the decision to give up two of their girls for adoption. Rikki revealed that her mom received a sign that she felt indicated that Kendall and Julianne were to be raised together.

Rikki recalled that her mother told her, during the initial ultrasound confirming she was carrying triplets, Kendall and Rikki were breeched, but Julianne’s head was down. All the doctors told Kathleen that there was no way they could change the two babies’ positions.

However, in another ultrasound, Kathleen was surprised when she found out that Kendall had somehow turned and her head was down, just like Julianne’s. It was at that point that Kathleen made a choice. She said Kendall and Julianne were meant to be together and chose to give them up for adoption.

After their birth, Kathleen went home with Rikki and gave up Julianne and Kendall to their adoptive parents, Ken Scavo and Tina Scavo. Ken and Tina were high school sweethearts who had struggled with infertility for six years with no success. Two of their adoption attempts also failed.

Years later, Kathleen looked back and said she knew in her heart that two of her triplets belonged with Ken and Tina. She recalled holding each of them and thinking that she might be making a mistake by giving them up, but now she was very thankful that she did.

Still, she admitted that the whole experience was so far out of the realm of anything she had ever done or would ever experience in her entire life. Kathleen visited her two daughters for a year after the adoption since it was an open one. Later, the adoption was closed, and they lost touch.

Rikki explained that in the past, birth mothers could rightfully reclaim their children. The news was filled with footage of birth mothers grabbing their children from adoptive parents. These videos made Tina and Ken nervous that they turned the adoption from an open to a closed one.

The situation wasn’t made easier by Kathleen, who would write to Tina and Ken, often showcasing her guilt and shame for giving up her girls for adoption. These letters sounded like Kathleen was saying if she could relive this situation again, she would have made a different choice.

Tina said that she and her husband had waited to have children for six and half years and were scared to death of Kathleen reclaiming them. So, the girls remained separated until they met again in their pre-teen years.

How Did the Three Sisters Meet Each Other Again?

The two families lived in Colorado just 40 minutes apart. However, Ken and Tina kept the existence of Rikki from Kendall and Julianne until they turned 8. However, Rikki knew all about her sisters as her mom had told her about them.

Rikki confessed that her childhood was lonely as both her parents had busy careers, and she felt very isolated growing up on a farm. Rikki’s dad died of cancer when she was ten, and Kathleen said they would relocate closer to be with their family in Missouri.

At around this time, Rikki reached out to Ken and Tina and asked if she could see her sisters, and surprisingly, they agreed. The three girls and their parents met at a mall in Colorado. Rikki recalled the meeting being anticlimactic:

“They were pretty unfazed. I mean we were all super anxious before we got there, but then it was normal, sort of like meeting up with an old friend. They felt so familiar.”

Kendall, now a graphic designer in Austin, was surprised to find out that Rikki and Julianne were identical. She was disappointed that she didn’t look like her sisters. Julianne said she and Rikki were so similar it felt like they were mirror images of each other.

The voices and mannerisms of Rikki and Julianne were the same. The way they sat with one foot up and crossed and how they moved their hands when talking was also similar. Rikki said this reunion brought her mom a sense of peace.

Rikki also said that Julianne and Kendall didn’t experience a biological pull toward Kathleen. Tina was glad this didn’t happen because she was afraid her daughters would scream and run toward their biological mom.

Eventually, Rikki moved to Missouri, and the three girls stayed in touch via letter writing. Every summer, Rikki stayed with her sisters for two weeks. Rikki said Ken and Tina’s family were so well off, and she and her mom lived paycheck to paycheck, but she didn’t hold any resentment towards the good life her sisters lived.

However, Rikki was happy to stay with her sisters as during her time there, she was introduced to new things, and the summers were like her refuge since she faced a lot of bullying in high school. As teenagers and adults, the girls still spend time together.

Rikki confessed that sometimes she feels left out because Kendall and Julianne have a strong bond as they grew up in the same house. She added that she knows they will never have a relationship they could have had if they grew up together, but she was glad they had each other now.

Tina’s husband died in 2009 of cancer, but she said she found a close friendship with Kathleen. She added that in 2022 they visited each other and said Kathleen was an amazing human. Tina noted that without Kathleen, she would have never been a mom.

The three sisters are also happy together. Despite Rikki and Julianne going through a period where they didn’t speak for two years, Julianne, who works in sales, said Rikki is still learning that a sister’s bond is unbreakable and that their love is unconditional. Currently, they are all on speaking terms; they go on group dates with their partners and have regular game nights.

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