Paramedic Fights for Life of Homeless Girl in Labor, Learns Her Newborn Is His Grandson — Story of the Day
I have heard this name before, a doctor thought to himself after reading the name of a patient who had just passed away. He was sure he had never met this girl, but her name rang a bell. Who is she? he wondered.
After a hectic day at work, Trevor entered his house and darted for the couch before his phone rang. Who can it be? he wondered before he slid his phone out of his pocket and answered it.
“Dr. Trevor, we need you at the hospital right now! Only you can save this girl from dying,” his assistant screamed through the phone.

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“Okay, okay. Calm down, please,” Trevor said. “I’ll be there in five minutes.”
Instead of relaxing at home after a tiring day, Trevor drove back to the hospital after the emergency call. He was one of the best surgeons in town, with an experience of more than thirty years.
Upon reaching the hospital, Trevor learned that a homeless girl had been brought to the hospital after she went into labor. She had delivered the baby, but her condition wasn’t stable. She was fighting for her life.
Trevor quickly checked the girl’s vitals and began instructing his staff on what to do next when the heart rate monitor suddenly showed a flat line. The girl breathed her last before Trevor could save her life.
After the homeless girl passed away, Trevor sat at his desk to complete the paperwork regarding her demise. He read the girl’s name on one of the documents, “Josephine Pennington. That sounds familiar,” he said to himself.

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While writing about the cause of Josphine’s death and other related details, he suddenly realized why her name sounded familiar. Pennington ― that was Olivia’s surname, he thought to himself.
Olivia was Trevor’s ex-girlfriend and the only woman he had loved the most. While thinking about Josephine, Trevor realized she resembled Olivia. And he even understood why the homeless girl’s first name rang a bell.
Back in the day, Trevor and Olivia loved listening to the song “Josephine” by Chris Rea. They would always play it whether they were going on a road trip or just having dinner at home. They loved the song so much that they wanted to name their child “Joseph” or “Josephine.”
Olivia, was she your daughter? Trevor wondered. He had no idea where Olivia was and whether she had a daughter. The last time he saw her was about three decades ago when they broke up.
Sitting inside his office, Trevor began thinking about his first love, Olivia. He was only 19 when he saw her for the first time in medical school. He clearly remembered the sparkle in her almond-shaped eyes and her voice when she took his name for the first time.
Trevor fell in love with Olivia the first time he saw her, but she didn’t have similar feelings. He became friends with her while working on a...