Poor Boy Fulfills Neighbor’s Last Wish to Restore Old TV, Finds Key to New Home inside – Story of the Day
A vintage television. | Source: Shutterstock
A boy attended his old neighbor’s funeral and overheard her last wish: to keep and restore an old television. He fulfilled it instead of her son and couldn’t believe what he found inside.
“Everything is going to be alright, Maxwell. Mrs. Thornhill is now in Heaven, and we’re here to say goodbye,” Maxwell’s mother said as she guided him through the grass toward the funeral site of their old neighbor Mrs. Thornhill. It was the ten-year-old boy’s first funeral, and he was a bit scared.
The older woman had become like a grandmother to Maxwell; he loved hearing her stories and helping her. His mother would cook for them, and they started eating dinner together for a while. He also felt bad for her.

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Mrs. Thornhill had raised three sons on her own after her husband abandoned them, and they all left at 18, never to return to their little town despite her requests and pleas.
Maxwell couldn’t believe people would treat their mother like that, so he never let the old woman feel alone. His mother, Erica, was immensely proud of him for it, and she also treated Mrs. Thornhill with love. They didn’t have much to give, as Erica worked minimum wage and barely made ends meet, but they shared their company, which the old woman appreciated. Sadly, life took its course, and she died in her sleep.
Maxwell walked through the grass toward the coffin. He also saw and recognized her three sons. At least they’re all here, Maxwell thought and rolled his eyes.
The funeral took place with a speech from a priest and a few words from each of her sons. Finally, Maxwell stood up and said something kind about the older woman. It was his goodbye to her, and he could honestly say he would remember her forever.

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When everything was done, he saw a man in a well-dressed suit giving a letter to Mrs. Thornhill’s sons, and Maxwell couldn’t help himself. He decided to stay behind and hear what the letter said, as the oldest of the bunch, Carson, read it aloud.
“My dear sons. My last wish is for someone I love to restore or at least try to fix our old television and keep it in their homes for as long as possible. Will you help me fulfill my wish?” Carson read and scoffed. “What is this? Is she crazy?”
“She means that old TV with that big back?” her second son, Walter, laughed too.
Mrs. Thornhill’s third son, Nigel, shook his head. “So, who’s going to keep it then?”
“I don’t want it,” the other two said in unison. And finally, Maxwell saw his opening.
“I can keep it!” he chirped. “I’m Max. Mrs. Thornhill lived next door and always let me watch whatever was on that television until it broke down a month ago. Would that be ok?”
The three brothers looked at each other and shrugged. “Sure, kid. You can keep it,” Carson...