Poor Dad Sees Daughter Taking Money from His Stash, Finds 5 Times More There the Next Day – Story of the Day
Little girl leaving the house. | Source: Shutterstock
A girl heard that her brother needed an operation to avoid fully losing his hearing, but their parents barely made any extra money. She took money from her father’s secret stash to do something drastic. Her parents had no idea what would happen next.
“Mr. and Mrs. Collins, your son needs this operation urgently, or his hearing problems will get worse,” Dr. Marsh told Pauline’s parents with the help of an American sign language translator employed by the clinic.
Pauline and her brother, Ilan, were both born with perfect hearing; their parents, Xavier and Luna, were both deaf. However, Ilan got a severe ear infection as a baby, and it became a chronic condition that led to partial hearing loss. Despite the excellent life Xavier and Luna had had, they didn’t want their child to be completely deaf, so they tried their best.

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But even years later, Ilan was still having trouble. The issue now was that this surgery was too expensive, and Pauline knew her parents didn’t have that kind of money. They worked and provided a decent life for both of their kids, but it was never enough.
So, they went home, taking Ilan and hoping he would get better. But Pauline was worried. She grabbed her computer and started searching for ways to make money. After searching for hours, it didn’t seem possible for a 12-year-old to earn any kind of significant amount until she stumbled upon an event on Facebook: a violin competition.
Pauline looked from her computer to her violin case, sitting in the corner of her room, and pursed her lips. She couldn’t use it. Ilan had accidentally broken it, and there was no money for repairs. The other issue was that the competition was in the neighboring state, so she would need money for the bus.

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She went to talk to her mother, thinking that maybe Luna would understand and give her some cash. She went into the living room and spoke to her mother, using ASL.
“Mom, do you think I could get a new violin, or can we repair mine?” she asked and talked about the competition.
Her mother shook her head. “I’m sorry, baby. But there’s not enough for that right now. I know you miss the violin, and I’ll do my best to find you a new one soon. There will be other competitions. But things are…difficult right now,” she responded.
Pauline nodded and went back to her room. She knew they didn’t have enough and was stumped again. However, she suddenly remembered her father’s hidden stash of money under the bed. It was just a few tens of dollars, but maybe that was enough to find a second-hand violin, so she went to her computer again to search for options.

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