Poor Mom Worries about Being Evicted, Finds Out All Bills Are Paid a Year in Advance – Story of the Day
Laura struggles to support herself and her young son after divorcing his father. She’s about to give up after her landlord raises the rent, but a mysterious benefactor is ready to help.
“Here’s dinner.” Laura forced herself to smile as she set a cheese sandwich in front of her 10-year-old son, Adam.
Adam lifted the top slice of bread. “No mayo?”
“We’re out of mayo, sweetie.” Laura joined him at the table, sitting delicately on the wobbly chair. Like all the furniture in their tiny apartment, it was damaged and in danger of collapsing.

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“Can we get more soon?” Adam looked at her, his blue eyes wide and hopeful.
Laura shrugged and took a bite of her sandwich.
Money had been tight ever since she divorced Adam’s father, Eric. She and Adam had moved from a lovely suburban house to a tiny apartment filled with roaches and mice.
Lately, she’d been struggling to keep food on the table. She’d tried hard to find a better job to afford a better place to stay, but Laura didn’t have any formal qualifications.

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A booming knock at the door interrupted their dinner. Laura stood and shimmied between the faded couch and the table to reach the front door. The hallway was empty, but a sealed envelope lay on the floor.
Laura’s jaw dropped when she read the letter inside the envelope. The landlord was raising the rent! They could barely afford to stay there now. This increase would doom her and Adam.
Laura turned to Adam, who was watching her with concern from his seat at the table.

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“Why don’t you finish up your homework, sweetie?”
Adam frowned and hung his head, his dark hair hanging in his eyes. He needed a haircut, but she couldn’t afford it, especially not now.
“Okay, mom.” Adam stood and went to his bedroom.

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After Adam shut the door to his bedroom, Laura collapsed onto the couch. She took out her phone and started searching for apartments to rent, but they were too expensive.
After an hour of searching, Laura set her phone aside. Tears ran down her cheeks. She couldn’t find anywhere suitable for her and Adam to live that was affordable.
She looked up as a cockroach scuttled across the table. There was nothing she could do. At the end of that month, she and Adam would be homeless.