Twins Split Apart After House Fire Find Each Other at School Reunion 37 Years Later — Story of the Day
Twin babies on a couch. | Source: Flickr/goldberg (CC BY 2.0)
Twin sisters were taken to a group home after a house fire where their parents died, and eventually, only one of them was adopted. Years later, they both lost hope in finding each other again until a fateful evening neither could’ve expected.
“But why can’t we both be adopted?” Ellie cried as a staff member, Anna, at the group home explained that she had been selected by a couple who had been visiting for a while. Her twin sister, Lily, was right there listening to everything with a dreadful feeling in her stomach.
Ellie and Lily were seven but were brought to the group home two years ago when their house burned down, killing their parents. Before that, their childhood had been remarkable, as their parents loved them dearly.

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Most importantly, their bond was untouchable, and it helped them through the grief of losing everything they had known and trying to live with other kids. The staff told them that someday they would hopefully get adopted together, but suddenly, they were given this terrible news.
“I’m sorry, girls. But this couple can only adopt one kid, and they really like you, Ellie. They’re lovely people, and you’re going to have a great life with them,” Anna explained gently.
“But it’s not fair. I’m not leaving my sister!” Ellie continued, getting angrier and angrier.
“Please, Ellie. You’ll see that this is good for you, and Lily would want you to go and have a better life. Right, Lily?” Anna said and raised her eyebrow at the other young girl.
Lily looked down and didn’t know what to say. She didn’t want to be separated from Ellie, but she didn’t want her sister to miss out on anything either. Only years later would she realize that Anna shouldn’t have put that pressure on her. But at that moment, she had to encourage her sister.
“You have to go. You would get parents again,” Lily turned to Ellie and grabbed her hands. Her twin sister wanted to refuse, but Lily insisted. “You must, or else… it’s this place forever.”

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Neither of them liked the group home very much. Despite the hard efforts of the staff, it didn’t feel like home. Lily wanted Ellie to have a home again.
“We’ll see each other again soon,” Lily promised, and Ellie finally agreed.
However, her adoptive parents didn’t let her visit her sister much, and they moved to another state a few months later.
Lily was never adopted, so she aged out of the system, and at 18, she started working hard to support herself while taking night classes. However, she never lost hope that she would see Ellie one day. When social media began, she signed up for almost every site and searched for her name. Nothing appeared. But she left her online profiles publicly available in case Ellie searched for her.
Unfortunately, years passed, and nothing. Lily heard nothing about Ellie and had no...